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Dissertation 2016

Comparing the British Museum and the Louvre Museum, to what extent does a modern architectural intervention alter the spirit of place within a heritage building?

Below are extracts from my final year dissertation. 

Throughout this essay both the British Museum in London and the Louvre Museum in Paris will be explored focusing on the spirit of place and the phenomenology of the spaces within...

Users are a lot more likely to be drawn into the site of the Louvre Museum due to its dominance of its context. The British Museum sits comfortably within its context; it isn’t a particularly iconic building within London as is the Louvre in Paris...


In both Museums the additions cannot be distinguished from the original, the modern interventions being the exception....As the additions are all built at similar times and in similar styles it creates continuity within the buildings and allows users to flow from one space to another.

In the case of the British Museum, the change to the spirit of place through the modern intervention has had less of an impact. The most important reason found is the interventions lack of visibility; it cannot be seen from outside of the Museum itself.

To conclude it is not the modern intervention alone that alters the spirit of place; it is its location within a space, the materials, the geometry and the use of light of the modern intervention that change how the spaces feel.

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