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Heritage 2019

High Pavement Research Project

For this project the brief was to research High Pavement in Nottingham. The street itself is not well known although some of its buildings such as St Mary’s Church, Pitcher and Piano and Nottingham Contemporary are recognisable to locals in the city. The course group was split into 3 groups and then each group was then sub-divided to particular buildings. I was responsible for the research and drawings of 26-36 High Pavement which included St Mary’s Chambers, currently used as a Law office but was once a town house and the site of the Trinity Guild of St. Mary’s Church.  

To present the extensive research I designed panels to show historical information and data found on the buildings as well as modern and historical photos and technical drawings. The information for these panels was mostly found in Nottingham Archives. A group model was also made from laser cut plywood as shown and this along with the panels was presented at an exhibition concerning the conservation work at Nottingham Castle. 

Elevation 2.0.jpg

Front Elevation (Not to scale)

Research Panels

Model Photos

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